Miha, S51FB, regt alle VHF/UHF/SHF-Contest Begeisterten an, die Live-Updates ihres Contest-Logs zu benutzen, so dass man schon während des Contests sehen kann, wie sich die Scores entwickeln...:
Dear VHF/UHF/SHF contesters
I would like to inform you that during Alpe Adria UHF/SHF contest and IARU R1 50MHz and 70MHz the VHF/UHS/SHF claimed score web page http://slovhf.net/en/claimed/ will be available for all interested users. During past contest it was very interesting for the VHF/UHF/SHF claimed score web page visitors to see how the score of each station increase during the contest.
I am kindly inviting all to use this web page for publishing your score during and after the contest.
Several contest logging software are able to perform automatic web page upload (here is the list http://slovhf.net/en/kako-lahko-vpisem-podatke/ ) and in case you are not using listed software, manual update is possible to.
GL in the contest
de Miha, S51FB