Die Tagung des G-QRP Clubs findet heuer online statt, was den Vorteil hat, dass man teilnehmen kann, ohne nach England fahren zu müssen ;-)
Hier die Einladung im Original mit dem Programm:
Dear friends and fellow amateurs
I am writing on behalf of the GQRP Club. The club which has members in many countries of the world has its Annual Convention this year online. I am writing to see if you could help us publicise it amongst your society members ?
The GQRP Club now has a detailed agenda for our Online Convention 2020, taking place on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September.
The online event, which replaces the club’s annual GQRP convention at Telford due to current Covid-19 restrictions, is open to all Club members, and there is a special deal for non-members.
The two-day event comprises a series of online presentations and knowledge-sharing meetings and chat rooms where people can discuss their ideas.
The packed presentation list includes:
The knowledge-sharing meetings will include “Using Antenna analysers” with Heather M0HMO, “Running a QRP DxPedition” with Dom M1KTA, “Battery technology for QRP portable” with Bill G4ERV, “Omni Directional antennas” with John G8SEQ and many more.
The event costs just £4 for GQRP club members and will be delivered using Zoom.
To sign up for the event just go to the Eventbrite sign-up page at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gqrp-club-2020-online-convention-tickets-115417887007
If you are not a GQRP Club member and wish to attend the Convention there is a special join today for 15 months option (renewal not until January 2022). UK membership is only £6 – 4 editions of Club magazine Sprat sent out each year to your home address. JOIN HERE www.gqrp.com/join.htm
More information and the full event schedule is on the GQRP club website now. http://www.gqrp.com/convention.htm
Steve Hartley G0FUW
G-QRP Club