Kosovo (Z6) ist DXCC Entity Nr. 340

  • 24.01.18, 10:43
  • Willi Kraml
  •   ÖVSV Dachverband

Die ARRL hat dem Kosovo mit Wirkung vom 21.01.2018 für ihr DXCC den Status einer Entity verliehen, wie der DARC berichtet. Mit anderen Worten: Das Gebiet mit dem Präfix Z6 wird zu DXCC Nr. 340. 


Eine international besetzte Expedition unter dem Rufzeichen  Z60A ist angekündigt und auch schon QRV.
QSL via OH2BH und über Clublog. Dem Team gehören u.a. an: DL3DXX, OH0XX, OH1MA, OH2BH, OH3JR, OZ1IKY, S50A sowie S51F. Es wird ergänzt durch heimische Funker wie Z61DX, Z61FF, Z61VB, Z62FB und Z63DBB.

Zur Aktivierung bzw. zur Expedition hier ein Bericht auf Englisch:


Kosovo's IARU Society SHARK, and its president Vjollca Caka, Z61VB are hosting a tenth anniversary activation celebrating Kosovo's independence, February, 2008.

The activation has already started, with Z60A being found on several bands. Adding to their HQ location is a semi-permanent low-band site. Both sites have beam antennas plus four K3s and SPE 1.3KW amps. Olli, OH0XX has been testing the propagation over the past two days with good -- but narrow -- U.S openings.

An international team has been invited to Kosovo and is partially on the ground at this time. The team consists of DL3DXX, OH0XX, OH1MA, OH2BH, OH3JR, OZ1IKY, S50A and S51F, along with locals Z61DX, Z61FF, Z61VB, Z62FB and Z63DBB. Additional locals are behind this activity as well, and a new 2nd week team will be announced soon.

Jim, K9JF, ARRL Hon. Vice-President and Hans, PB2T, IARU R1 secretary will add to the party. 

The ARRL Rocky Mountain Division director, Dwayne Allen, WY7FD has informed the team that the LoTW and the other ARRL structures are being put into place to receive this new DXCC country contacts. Already, "Republic of Kosovo" is listed in the DXCC Challenge pages.

ClubLog will be used for this activation, while QSLs will go via OH2BH.