Von 10. bis 24. August finden die FT8DMC Actvity Days statt, aus welchem Anlass 8 Stationen mit Sonderrufzeichen in FT8 (aber auch in anderen Betriebsarten) QRV sein werden.
Hier der englische text der Ankündigung:
FDT8DMC 2nd Anniversary-Activity Days 2019
To commemorate our 2nd anniversary, eight special event stations will be on air during the FT8DMC Activity Days from 10 to 24 August. All stations will bear the FTDMC or FTDM suffix, referring to the second anniversary of the FT8 Digital Mode Club. Special QSL-cards will confirm all QSO’s and all logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL.
The following stations will be active:
An FTDMC Anniversary Award can be earned by working the FTDMC and FTDM stations and collecting points applicable for various award classes:
Please note: working the same station on the same band in the same mode is a 'dupe' QSO and will not be considered for the award. The award will be available for free in a digital format.
How to obtain this award? Use UAAC software (https://epc-mc.eu/index.php?lang=de) for the application.
For updates, membership etc. please check our Website www.ft8dmc.eu 73 and have fun chasing!
Jo, OE4VIE Hannes, OE1SGU
President FT8DMC Vice President/PR manager FT8DMC
Some of the Special event Stations will not only operate FT8 but also SSB, CW or any other Mode! FT8ers are open-minded people who do not exclude anyone or any activity!