Es wird gebeten, die Frequenzen 7,065 MHz und 7,110 MHz für den Notfunkverkehr freizuhalten!
Bezüglich der Naturkatastrophe in Sulawesi (Indonesien) erreichte uns über die IARU Region 3 folgendes Update:
Dear all IARU R3 mailing list members,
Introduce my name Dani Halim, YB2TJV, as IARU R3 Disaster Communication Coordinator, allow me to provide information and updates from the Earthquake in Palu and Donggala in Central Sulawesi Province.
As it happened, the earthquake at magnitude 7.7 MMI, which was later corrected by the Indonesian Meteorology and Geysical Agency, has occurred on Friday September 28 at 17:02 Local Time (11:02 am UTC), which also caused tsunami waves and hit Donggala and Palu.
Electricity, Cellular and all communication facilities at the location are cut off.
From the Luwuk Disaster Management Agency located 700 km from the epicenter of the Earthquake, we began communicating with YD8MII and YC8OBM, which informed that landslides occurred in the land lane and all communication access was cut off.
The Orari Center immediately establishes Emergency Freitas for Palu earthquakes at 7,110 MHz and activates the Lapan-Orari IO-86 satellite as a back up.
Many photos and videos circulating on social media, show the enormity of the earthquake.
From last night we waited to be able to communicate with YB8NT and YB8PR in Palu, using a mobile station.
At this time for the emergency station YB8NT communicates at 7,065 MHz due to the propagation factor at 7.110 MHz which is full of QRM.
With this email, we request all networks on IARU R3, for Orari to use emergency frequency at 7.110 MHz and 7.065 MHz to keep clear.
This earthquake is could be worst than in Lombok in the end of last August.
We will keep update.
lets keep up a good works
73, Dani
Weitere Informationen gibt es von Greg, G0DUB IARU-R1 >